Help us support the single moms and widows who are facing challenging times in the Central Pa community of Columbia, Pa.
The Widows Oil Ministry serves the needs of single moms and widows in many places and in many areas of their lives.
To share a piece of our impact, we wanted to provide some examples of our work.
Our ministry helped Sandra, a widow near Johnson City, TN, who had recently become a widow and never knew how her husband took care of the septic system on their property. She contacted many agencies to help her get the system working again so that she could flush her toilet and wash her dishes, but they all turned her down. She could not meet their expectations for solving her basic, yet essential, need.
Here is what she had to say about our Ministry:
“When I first found The Widows Oil Ministry, my spirits were low to say the least. I want the world to know about these Angels among us. Within less than 48 hours, someone was here to fill my well with blessed water. They also checked my wiring, and now the heater is running like a dream! Do you know the sound of a flushing toilet is a wondrous and glorious sound from the Heaven above? We have been smiling ear to ear at my house today.” ~ Sandra
We helped a single mom, Carla, in York, Pa with her car repair and got it ready for her to pass her inspection the first time. By giving her the advice and funds she needed, we saved her additional inspection fees, and likely, her job.
Our current project is to obtain this Beauty Salon to accomplish the following:
- Community Service: Keep the business operating as a beauty salon, a cherished service in our community
- Keeping Jobs: Keep the jobs of several single moms that enjoy working there
- Creating Jobs: Hire more staff to increase jobs and community engagement
- A Dream Coming True: Granting a recent widow, Bonnie, the joy of retiring and seeing the salon she established 40 years ago still serving her customers and being a productive service for the community. Her salon is also the only handicapped accessible salon within a 20 mile radius.
- Supporting Elderly Neighbors: Continue giving many elderly women (many of whom live in the assisted living complex across the street) access to the salon that has been their special place for many years.
- Fulfilling Our Mission: This salon will not only help us fulfill our mission, but it will also help us expand our impact to neighboring communities in the near future.
We all would like your financial support to buy this salon as a symbol of hope in this community and let these ladies know “people all over the world do care for their valuable lives.”
This project will support the ministry to continue fulfilling Our Mission:
The Widows Oil Ministry’s mission is to help single moms and widows achieve their personal life goals. We help people through life transitions, put the pieces of their lives back together when they are down, and live their lives to the fullest.
Please begin now with your financial love and support to these ladies and the Ministry.
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!