It is no secret that the business of electricians is becoming a tough one to sustain. There are so many electrician and electrical contractors, but not that much business to go around. This is why it is becoming more important for electricians to have a good marketing strategy to be able to grow the business. It is not enough for the business to exist, to thrive means to always be on top of the competition and be the first name that clients will call once they need assistance. Now the thing about recall and memory is that it does not happen without a trigger. Only three kinds of electricians are remembered by clients—the one that gives excellent service, the one that cannot get the job done and the one who markets the brand well.

Here are some tips on how to grow and electrician business:

  1. Have a solid client database that is often updated.

Having a systematic client database will enable you to have a better understanding of your clients’ needs so you can cater to them perfectly. They may not need your services all the time, but it does not hurt to develop a good professional relationship with the clients. Keeping them abreast with your latest rates, discounts, offers and sending greetings their way during special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries and holidays) will make them remember you more.

  1. Offer rewards to motivate repeat customers and referrals.

If you give great services, chances are your clients will want to call you again and tell their friends and family about you. But you don’t need to sit around and wait for that to happen. The next time you have a client, leave a card or flyer and guarantee discounts for repeat services and referrals. You will be amazed at how many clients would want to take advantage of this loyalty perk.

  1. Do not be afraid to go online.

Small businesses that are service oriented tend to veer away from creating an online presence because they do not think it is worth it. But really, the trend nowadays is to search the internet rather than the yellow pages so it is wiser to have at least a Facebook page or a website with pertinent information on rates and how to contact you. Bonus information such as safety tips and some electrical basics in a blog also entice customers because you share the knowledge and they begin to trust that you know what you are talking about.