By this time, almost everyone in the internet marketing community knows what search engine optimization (SEO) is. Simply put, it makes your business easier to locate by consumers actually looking for your business.  It encompasses much more than your website content, as it includes your business’s presence across the web (e.g., off site blogs, new releases, business directory sites, social bookmarking sites, social media sites, and more).

SEO is not the most expensive marketing tool out there, but neither is it cheap. This is why those who have never tried SEO often ask “Is SEO worth it?” Alas, the answer is not a simple yes or no.

As many SEO experts would say, it depends on several things such as your business model, niche or industry, your target market and the budget that you are willing to spend. The costing of SEO varies on how much needs to be done and how far you would want to go. To give an example, a mid-sized business would need to invest around $3,000 to $5,000 for a three-month budget for a total SEO service to rank high on the first page of Google. That is not a small sum, but it does get the job done.

Of course, some would say that SEO does not necessarily need to be outsourced and it can be done by a trained personnel within your own company. Sure, that can be done, but how many hours of work would it take for that personnel to get you to the top ranks of page results? It is probably not going to happen within a month. And training a staff for SEO alone is not necessarily the wisest use of your resources. You will have to pay another expert to truly train your personnel since YouTube tutorials and online walk-throughs will not be enough to truly succeed with SEO. At the end of the day, it is still more time and cost efficient to outsource the SEO project and pay someone else to do everything for you. And chances are, SEO services can be custom fitted to suit your needs.

Is SEO worth it?

If you want to bring your brand to the internet limelight then yes, SEO is worth it only if, you get a supplier, such as Local Monster that can specifically cater to your needs such as:

  • Producing high volume of high quality content
  • Make use of SEO keywords as well as hidden key phrases and LSI
  • Provide analysis and trend reports based on the flow of traffic
  • Provide possible link backs to websites
  • Generate and spread content on social media as well
  • Setup and be active on blogging sites, new release sites, online business directories, and social bookmarking sites

Local Monster is an inbound marketing firm that specializes in helping businesses generate more online leads and sales. With free consultations and research, Local Monster ensures that every business receives a strong ROI from their online marketing efforts.

If you don’t really care about getting your presence online, don’t mind being edged out of the competition in a world that is quickly going digital, already have a stellar cult following in the non-internet world, or just want to take your sweet with tiny little business baby steps then you can forgo SEO.

However, for those who want to see a better business growth, quicker return on investment, translate more leads to sales, or just make more money with your goods and services, SEO is still worth a try. Even if it is not the largest or most comprehensive package that you get, you will still see results.

You can visit to learn more about an affordable, effective SEO solution with incredible customer service.